We love Utah, the beautiful Capitol Reef National Park, and our planet. We want to share some of the ways in which we are dedicated to sustainability and preserving the things we love.
Shipping Materials
Whenever possible, we reuse packaging materials like boxes and fillers. We share a space with The Wild Rabbit Cafe in Torrey and they're more than happy to give us boxes from deliveries. Our packages may be ugly, but man, does it feel good to re-use!
Coffee Packaging
One of the best ways we can acknowledge our environmental role as coffee roasters in is in our choice of packaging. It's a crucial component of our business. The global impact of traditional foil-lined coffee bags is significant, so we wanted to join the movement of eco-conscious companies that are making the switch to sustainable packaging.
Roasting artisan coffee means ensuring the quality of our beans. Coffee bags need valves to let the coffee off-gas without letting oxygen into the bag, and liners to keep the beans fresh, so choosing packaging is a delicate balance between quality and sustainability. As the industry pushes forward with new research and technology in packaging, we will be there doing our part!
We are ensuring quality coffee and honoring our commitment to sustainable practices by choosing:
Biostone labels: Eco-friendly label that is actually made of stone—no trees are used. Label is made from bonded waste material collected from marble quarries.